Tiffany Whitfield 

Hospital Success Advocate 

Meet Tiffany Whitfield. She helps our hospitals create amazing Patient Guides for their patients.

Tiffany Whitfield’s career has been a colorful one peppered with tennis balls, spreadsheets, and waffles. Despite the variety of her previous roles, Tiffany is now happy supporting hospitals and the patients they serve. 

“I’ve been with Patient Guide Solutions for 15 years in July,” Tiffany said. “I started out as an ad manager and worked my way up to where I am now as a Hospital Success Advocate.” 

Before coming to PGS, Tiffany worked in corporate accounting. She enjoyed the work, but it lacked a human connection. 

“When you just look at numbers all day, you don’t get to connect with people. Now I get to do that — build relationships and help people,” she said. 

Like many of her PGS colleagues, Tiffany’s past medical experiences help her connect with her hospital clients.  

“My son is on the spectrum, and he went through numerous surgeries,” she shared. “As a new mother, it was stressful not knowing where you go for help or what's coming next. With this job, that experience extends to what I'm doing now with the hospitals, and I get to help them navigate a way to help their patients find comfort and security.” 

Tiffany had two first jobs: She worked at Waffle House and as the tennis desk receptionist for a local athletic club. 

“I scheduled the heck out of those tennis courts! It was so fun,” she said, laughing. “We had those small black and white TVs and I'd watch the teams play. Sometimes, I'd have to move the courts around because I'd see them smack-talking each other on the TVs and have to separate the teams.”  

Tiffany was born and raised in Roland, Arkansas on the other side of Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. She grew up on a farm with cattle, horses, pigs, and…birds.  

“My grandpa had all kinds of birds, from pigeons to peacocks and turkeys. And I'm scared to death of birds now.” 

When Tiffany isn’t working, she likes exploring the outdoors in Arkansas. 

I like to go canoeing, and I really love the Buffalo River,” she said. “It's so beautiful up there.” 

Tiffany also likes slow-pitch softball and painting in acrylics. She also likes watching people do cut-in painting on Tik-Tok. 

“It's so random but so gratifying,” she laughed. 

Tiffany also adores her pets. 

“I have a cat named Sissy Kitty and a Beagle named Pepper Anne,” she said, “Sissy loves my mother. Me? She just wants food from me.” 

“When you just look at numbers all day, you don’t get to connect with people. Now I get to do that — build relationships and help people.”

Tiffany Whitfield